Dwikalatra dosha and Manglika dosha is found before fixing the marriage in the Horoscope of groom the arka vivaha homa (Marrying Calotropis procera Plant or Crown flower plant) is performed. Arka kanya vivaha homa is done only for groom (male).
Dwikalatra dosha is not favorable for marriage and indicates problems to the health or longevity of the couple it leads diverse or it kills the bride after the marrage. Arka kanya vivaha homa helps to remove dvikalatra dosha from the Bridegroom’s Horoscope before fixing a marriage.
Arka Vivaha Homa is performed for averting problems in marriage of Boy like undue delay in finding suitable pair, frequent rejections by girl side, not matching horoscopes for long time, marriage related bad doshas in Jataka etc.
During the Arka Vivaha the prospective groom is symbolically married to a Calotropis procera Plant.
This puja is also done to remove Manglik Dosha from the horoscope which effects after the wedding.
If this remedy (parihara) is not done there is a possibility to the event of death or severe accidents has been witnessed by many couples which lead to death, permanent disability of spouse.
The following Puja leads to the negative dosha being taken over by the Calotropis procera Plant pacifies the dosha which in-turn leads to a stable, long and happy married life.
The homa seeks blessings of five devatas viz. Brihaspati, Agni,Vaayu, Surya, and prajapathi.
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