Satyanarayan Puja can be performed on any day, though it is considered most auspicious on full day (Purnima) per the Hindu calendar (Panchang). usually performed on the Full moon day of every month, Sankranti (first day of the sawra month) performed on special occasions like marriage, graduation, start of a new job, During the times of achievements, purchase of a new home, the performance of this most auspicious puja generally confers a child to couples trying to start a family. This Puja is considered very holy and hence it is considered very auspicious to get it done at home during special events like childs’s birthdays, marriages, house warming (Griha Pravesh) or on other occasions. People also conduct the puja when they are suffering from illness or even incurring losses or when they intend to fulfill their desires. The puja protects you from conducting evil and teaches us to be on the path of goodness and truth.
Benefits of Satyanarayana Pooja:
• Blessed with good health and wealth
• Positive approach towards life.
• Peace and prosperity is obtained
• Financial Problems swallowed
• Removes all obstacles in the path
• Positivity improves in our everyday life.
• Removes negative vibrations around us.
• Gain success in business or career growth.
• Get suitable alliance at the earliest
• Enhanced compatibility between couple
• Pregnancy issues solved
Poooja procedures:
• This puja is first mentioned in Skanda Purana, Reva Kanda by Suta Puranik to the rishis in Naimisharanya. The details are part of the Katha (Story) that is usually read during the ritual
• The previous night, think of Lord Sri Satyanarayana and mentally decide to perform puja the next day. Invite your relatives and friends. Tradition mandates to abstain from worldly pleasures.
• On the puja day, early in the morning keeping the same thoughts of worshiping the Lord, take a head bath. If performing the evening, again take a head-bath. This should be done by both husband and wife. Wear a clean dress.
• Keep all the things for puja ready, near the Altar (Mantapa). The total duration of the puja will be around two hours.
• Satyanarayana vrata Puja can be performed in the morning or preferably in the evening time after taking bath.
• The devotees should observe a fast if possible till the holy offering or Prasadam to Lord Satyanarayana.
• The main entrance door is decorated with mango leaves.
• A Kalasha (any metal or earthen) is put in the middle of the Mantapa.
• A Photo of Lord Satyanarayan is now placed on the altar. Turmeric powder, Chandana, and Kumkuma applied on the photo. God decorated with gold ornaments Fresh flower’s garland.
The Panchamrita abhisheka is prformed by the priest to Vishnu statue or shaligrama. (Concoction of 5 things- milk, honey, sugar, yogurt and Ghee)
• The main offering (Prasada) is also called as or Sapaada Bhakshya is prepared with Banana, Sugar, Semolina, Milk, and Ghee. Raisins and cashews also added while cooking. Some people avoid cooking and merely mix the ingredients together.
• Various regional variations exist in the way it is cooked. It also has various names – Telugu Prasadam, Marathi Sheera, Gujarati Sheera, Bengali Sinni, Punjabi Panjiri, etc.
• The main Prasad is offered together with daily food, various fruits, and Panchamrutam (uncooked mixture of Milk, Yogurt, Ghee, Honey, and Sugar).
• At the end of the pooja five storys of lord Satyanarayan will be recited by the priest. The story tells the benefits of the puja, who all performed the holy puja, what were the repercussions on people who offended the auspicious puja and what are needs full filled to them.
• The katha should be listened or chanted carefully and peacefully by all present in the prayers. It is then followed by the Aarti (holy prayer) of the Satyanarayana .
• The devotees bow and ask for forgiveness, fulfillment of their desires. Now the Prasadam is distributed among all as blessings of the Almighty himself.
• MahaSankalpam (The prayer, asking the needs to god or purpose of the homa.)
• Vighneshvara (Ganapati) pooja (to remove all obstacles)
• Kalasha Sthapanam (invoking Lord Varuna and offering Pooja)
• Parivara devata Pooja (Parivara devata, Navagraha devata and Lokapalaka devata Pooja)
• Pradhana devata Pooja Pranapratishta (Kalashapooja invoking /calling the divinity or among the gods. hymns and mantra are recited to invite the deity to be a resident guest)
• Kalpoktha Shodashopachar pooja: (16 types of Worshiping method of Deity)
• Ashtothara or SahasranamaArchana (Anga pooja, patra pooja, pushpa pooja, offering flowers or kumkum by chanting names of god )
• Katha shravanam (five storys of lord Satyanarayan will be recited.)
• MahaNaivedyam (Offering Foods, fruits, and other eatable items to god)
• Mahamangalarati ( Decorated ghee lights and camphor lights are offered by showing around the god )
• Kalasha Prokshanam. (Giving Mantra purified Kalasha water to Divine bath or sprinkled over all the participating people by chanting Veda mantras.)
• Asheervadam (Getting the Blessings of Veda Pandits and elders by chanting Asheervada Mantras)
• TeerthaPrasada (PoojaKalash water given to drink as Teertha. offered Naivedya items are distributed.)
Satyanarayana Pooja
Shree Satyanarayan Puja is dedicated worship to Lord Vishnu The word “Satya Narayana” is an amalgamation of two words, ‘Satya’ means truth, ‘Narayana’ means the highest and ultimate form of being or the supreme of the world; that means Lord Vishnu is the personification of the truth.
Satyanarayana Pooja is said to be performed from ancient times and dates to the Skanda Purana (holy book). It is written that Narada a Hindu sage (sadhu) asked lord Vishnu the way to end the miseries of the people on Earth. In response, Lord himself told, that worshipping lord Satyanarayan will be the ultimate way of happiness and Moksha in the Kaliyuga (current period per the Hindu mythology).
Categories: Poojas, Vratas
Tag: Satyanarayana Pooja
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