Aghora Homam

Aghora Homa is dedicated to Lord shiva who has 5 faces, Aghora Rudhra is the chief of Bootha ganas. This homa is done for breaking the evil spells of Bootha, pretha, pishacha and drishti dosha caused by misdeeds of enemies. As per Hindu theology, Arishadvarga are the six internal enemies of the mind, viz. kama ( lust), krodha (angr), lobha (greed), moha (attachment), mada ( pride) and matsarya (jealousy); the negative characteristics of which prevent human beings from getting success and attaining ultimate bliss.
Be ready with these basic materials Navagraha  Homa package includes
Lamp (Deepam) – 2, Bricks – 25, Sand – 5 Kg, Mango leaves – 5 Bunch,  Garlands for neck -2 (Optional),  Trays -5, Vessels for Prasadam- 2, Stove for Naivedym – 1,  Asanam to sit – 3 Pandits (Purohits)  – 3,

We bring All Homa/Pooja materials,

Travelling charges  extra