Homa helps us To Live a peaceful Life. Improper constructed buildings will invite various problems like diseases, marital disharmony, problems in the family, loss in business etc. Bhoo Varaha homa helps real-estate people to sell and buy good property.
- Good remedy for solving land problems
- Get own land or regain of missed land.
- Salved land related court problems
- To Live A Peaceable Life
- Leads to completion of the intended Building work.
- Improves positive vibrations.
- Real-estate problems rectified.
Dravyas offered in the bhoo varaha homa: mixture of pop rice and honey, sesame seeds, samith, ghee, charu and other herbs are offered in the homa.
Mantras chanted: Bhoovaraha manthra Vishnu sooktha bhoomi sooktham, moola mantras and other nyasa beeja mantras chanted during the homa.
Danas given: Kalasha pratima dana, vastra dana,dasha dana, phala, ajya, tamboola dakshina, and annadanas given after the homa.
The rituals of Bhagya sooktha homa
- Anujna (Getting the blessings of elders and Veda pandits)
- Vighneshvara (Ganapati) pooja (to remove all obstacles)
- MahaSankalpam (The prayer, asking the needs to god or purpose of the homa.)
- ShudhiPunyahaVachanam – The Purification ritual (the ritual performed before the ceremony for the purification of the body, place, and pooja materials, Shudhi (purification) Mantras are chanted then mantra purified water is sprinkled over all the people participating and the items.)
- AcharyaVaranam (Appointing the pandits to do Homam or giving power of attorney to perform homas.
- KalashaSthapanam, Pranapratishta (Kalashapooja and mandala pooja invoking /calling the divinity (Ganapathi) or among the gods. hymns and mantra are recited to invite the deity to be a resident guest)
- KalpokthaShodashopacharpooja: (16 types of Worshiping method of Deity)
- Ashtothara or SahasranamaArchana (offering flowers or kumkum by chanting names of god )
- KalashaJapam (Reciting moola mantras and Veda Sookthas.)
- Pradhana Homam (Offering the ghee, Samit, Annam, and other Homa materials to the Homam)
- Poornahuti Homam(Coconut banana, herbs, Saree, with blows bit and other auspicious materials are Offering to Agni)
- MahaNaivedyam (Offering Foods, fruits, and other eatable items to god)
- Mahamangalarati ( Decorated ghee lights and camphor lights are offered by showing around the god )
- KalashaAbhisheka or Prokshanam. (Giving Mantra purified Kalasha water to Divine bath or sprinkled over all the participating people by chanting Veda mantras.)
- Asheervadam(Getting the Blessings of Veda Pandits and elders by chanting Asheervada Mantras)
- TeerthaPrasada (PoojaKalash water given to drink as Teertha. offered Naivedya items are distributed.)
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